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The European norm for steel static storage systems, EN 15512:2009, has been updated.

This updated/new norm, EN 15512:2020, will become valid as of 01/06/2021.




Main changes EN 15512:2020 :

  • Global imperfection :
    • Changed formula which leads to an increased sway imperfection of the pallet racking structure.
  • Equivalent cross-section properties :
    • EN 15512:2009 : considers the gross cross-section properties of the upright -> Upright without considering perforations.
    • EN 15512:2020 : considers the equivalent cross-section properties of the upright -> Upright with considering perforations.
  • Material factor γM :
    • EN 15512:2009 : γM = 1.0
    • EN 15512:2020 : γM = 1.1
  • Additional beam moment and deflection due to looseness beam connector :
    • Extra moment at the midspan of the beams due to looseness of the connector (beam-upright) is taken in to account.
  • Redistribution of the beam moments is not allowed anymore.


  1. Impact EN 15512:2020 :

In overall, the above changes will lead to an average of 5 to 7% more steel per project.


  1. Application domain EN 15512:2020 :

The new norm is applicable for all pallet racking systems:

  • Pallet racking
  • High-bay racking, satellite racking,..
  • Mobile racking
  • Shuttle racking 1D & 2D
  • Dynamic racking (pallet flow racking with rollers)
  • Pick towers based on pallet racking components

The new norm is not applicable for drive-in/through racks.


  1. Implementation EN 15512:2020 :
  • All projects with order date before 01/06/2021 and with delivery before 01/09/2021 can still be calculated according the old norm EN 15512:2009.
  • All projects with order date as of 01/06/2021 or delivery later than 01/09/2021 must be calculated according the new norm EN 15512:2020.